With thousands of years of history, the Bible is not an easy area of study. In fact, enrolling in a Bible college can be a burdensome task, especially when it comes to questions such as which college should I attend? Luckily, there are many students, teachers, and others types out there who are doing or have done the same as you. And they can be valuable resources when coming across some of the most difficult issues or questions in the Bible.
In order to help, we have gathered 30 incredible Q & A sites to help you understand the Bible. They are authored by Bible experts, writers, preachers, and even a few who specialize in various sects of Christianity. So grab a virtual highlighter and get ready to be as informed as virally possible with a read below. [click to continue…]
If you want to take your higher education to the next level, obtaining a deeper understanding of the scriptures, and growing closer to God, a Bible college might be just the thing for you. Bible colleges are renowned for providing a Christian education, and equipping the next generation of ministerial leaders for the rigors of defending the faith.
There are many Bible colleges in the U.S., though. Some of them are among the most prestigious and well-known liberal arts universities in the U.S. Others have a decidedly conservative bent, while still providing a solid education. Bible colleges also have a range of tuition costs, although some provide automatic scholarships for students. As you look at your options, consider what environment would best suit you and which college you think is likely to help you accomplish your faith and ministry goals. Here are 10 prestigious Bible colleges to consider:
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The Bible is such a rich and complex book of scripture that it can take years to understand it. You are likely to find something new every time you read the Bible. You don’t have to be a Bible college graduate to become an expert — or at least a learning scholar. It is possible to study the book on your own, with help from God, and learn more about this scripture. However, sometimes it’s nice to have a little help as you study. There are those who have made scripture study and the ministry their lives, and also those who have made it a point to study the scriptures, even without a formal Calling. You can learn from these Bible scholars and experts.
Twitter is a great way to keep up with the latest in Bible verses, insights, devotionals and thoughts. If you are interested in finding out about the Bible, and being enriched by the study of God’s word, here are 50 Twitter accounts worth following: [click to continue…]

Why not lighten your load and use a Kindle for Bible studies? You can take notes, highlight passages, search for words and phrases and interact with scriptural text on a Kindle just as you would with a book or with your Bible. If you think the Kindle is a bit pricey, this list of 25 ways to use the Kindle for Bible study may change your mind about Kindle’s sticker price. [click to continue…]
The Christian church is prolific in America, but each church has its own belief systems, guidelines and perspectives. The ecumenical movement seeks to overcome these barriers among churches to unify congregations with cooperation and a better understanding among religions. In that vein, we offer fifty ecumenical blogs, or blogs that seek to overcome church barriers to offer outreach to anyone, no matter their beliefs or creeds.
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You might think that evangelical Christian blogs would be filled with doom and gloom. While some of those blogs do exist, most of the best blogs today — or, at least the most popular evangelical Christian blogs today — focus on teaching, humor, news from a Christian perspective and daily living. Those tops blogs are listed below in categories that range from education to ministries and from personal blogs to a couple blogs with off-beat perspectives.
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Some Open Courseware classes are older than you might think — many courses reach back into antiquity to show how Christianity has affected society throughout time and place (and how some social and cultural aspects affected religion as well). Some courses teach the Bible as spiritual text and as literature, some courses touch on social and political histories and other courses focus on cultural aspects of religion and society. Each course listed below falls into one of those three categories.
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Bible, which is the most religious scripture on the Earth, belonging to Christian community contains lessons and teachings from the Christianity. Below is provided list of some of open course based upon teaching of Bible.
Bible Study Lessons: These are the lessons based upon the study of Bible and help a devoted Christian to learn lessons upon understanding of Jesus Christ, Christianity, the church, salvation, worship of God, and Christian religion. Each Bible lesson is a free study of the gospel, Christian living, and the meaning of life.
Free Bible College Courses: These are the open course wares on various teaching of Bible. Courseware is provided in text or video format and can be reproduced for use by churches, colleges, individuals, organizations and teachers. And after the completion of the course one would provide a certificate on the courseware.
Bible Universe: At the site variety of lessons from bible are described with their meaning. And at the end of each lesson free online resources including books, Video and audio materials as added further explanting to the meaning of the chapter.
Free Bible Study: The courseware written by Patrick David Yanello, this is a non-profit independent Christian ministry is not related to any denomination, sect, division or church. This courseware is controlled by Christians from a number of places.
The Seeker Bible Studies: This courseware is provided with ten lessons of Bible to teach non Christians to discover the will of God for their lives.
World Bible School: This course ware is based upon learning and lessons of bible and Christianity.
How to Study the Bible: At about.com here tips and ideas are given for reading Bible properly and in an appropriate manner interpreting its best meaning.
Bible Study: This online course illustrates the fact that Bible is the word of God. Bible Study Courses is consisted of a series of lessons to unfold God’s plan of salvation for sinners.
Free Bible Course: It is a fully interactive free online bible course for everyone who wishes to take a first step into Christianity or is looking for in-depth learning in Christianity.
Free Bible College: This is the courseware that provides one to interact with a good number of students around the globe on Christianity and faith and get enrolled in a variety of courses on Christianity.
Twitter which has developed into a micro blogging and social media platform for a number of humanitarian, religious, professional and other groups provide its user a great opportunity to share their views and ideas with each other. One such religious sect on Twitter is Christian priest or preachers and some of those popular religious preachers worth following on Twitter are discussed below:
Bosco Peters: He is a priest, who is enthusiastic about spirituality and worship that connects. His website is www.liturgy.co.nz.
Father Dave: Living at Dulwich Hill Sydney, he is an Anglican Parish Priest, professional boxer, human right activist and community worker. He is also a professional boxer. More about his activities you can learn at his website http://fatherdave.org/.
Don Tamihere: Residing at Gisborne, New Zealand, he is a priest, theologian, thinker, web dabbler, guitar player, song writer and surfer and he loves life.
Lover of Words: This is about a family that fellowship the word of God daily they are all, king, priest, tree of righteousness, lover of words, spiritual investor, locksmith, oxygen to the soul, water fountain and soldier for God.
Roderick Vonhogen: He is a Dutch Catholic priest, CEO of the Star Quest Production Network (www.sqpn.com) that is the host of the Daily Breakfast podcast. He has made an unimaginable impression upon relating to new media communications by pod casting sermons from St. Peter’s Basilica. He has hosted and produced several audio, video and lives streaming programs like The Daily Breakfast, The Catholic Insider, and This Week in Church, Healthy Catholic, Catholic Minute and The Secrets of Star Wars.
Father Kelly: Living at Chester County, PA he is a disgruntled Catholic Priest.
Jonathan Morris: Living at Rome, Italy, Fr. Jonathan Morris is a Roman Catholic priest and vice rector of the Legionaries of Christ seminary in Rome, Italy. He also is a news contributor and analyst for the Fox News Channel and a professor of ethics and media at the European University of Rome.
Fr. Wade Fahnestock: Living at Mulberry, Florida he is a musician, worship leader, popular speaker & advocate for the homeless poor. He is a coordinator for many community prayer activities. Religiously he belongs to very diverse background Baptist, Methodist, Assembly of God, Word of Faith, Charismatic, and Roman Catholic & Eastern Orthodox.
Mark Brown: Living at the New Zealand, he is a CEO Bible Society New Zealand, Anglican Priest, and Founder of church in Sri Lanka and sometimes interested in Business management.
George Mabura: Living in California, he is a Roman Catholic priest in the Catholic diocese of San Diego.
There are more online Bible Colleges and Universities today than there were some years back. This can be attributed to the increased demand by people willing to combine their faith with their academic life. There are three probable reasons that can be thought of as the drivers of this bible study frenzy. First, the Christian studies can effectively aid you in expanding your horizon. They can also enhance you career prospects just like any other online study, and finally, they can take your Christian faith to the next level which is the desire of most Christians.
Just like other online colleges in other disciplines, the Christians colleges have been ranked according to their compliance with certain standards which are thought to be the templates of ideal online studies. One of the best online Christian colleges is the prestigious Liberty University which offers Associate’s, Bachelor’s, & Master’s degrees in its online campuses. This Christian-focused College is known for its outstanding faculty teaching together with instilling Christian values to its students through one of the most Christian-oriented curriculum.
At number two we have the Regent University with its Associate’s, bachelor’s & Master’s degrees. This university has more than thirty programs both in undergraduate and graduate levels which are all customized to equip the students with the skills necessary to inspire minds, lives, and also change the world. With the prestigious Regent University you can get any Christian certificate from any part of the world.
Ashford University’s Master’s, Bachelor’s and Associate’s Degrees are some of the most sort-after Christian academic papers due to its reputation as a fountain of excellence in the Christian studies. Regarded has the third best overall in the online Christian studies category, it boasts the widest network of alumni. It’s very common to find an Ashford University graduate almost anywhere the internet is accessible, which is one of the reasons which have fueled its accelerated take-off since its establishment back in 1918.
You cannot talk about online Christian colleges without mentioning the prestigious Grand Canyon University. This university has the unique feature of reaching for the poor and the downtrodden in the society by arming them with Christian values and knowledge through scholarships and grants from donors and the federal government. There is also the LeTourneau University which integrates Christian education with business studies to create a curriculum that produces business leaders who are better placed to appreciate the place of God in the business world. This Christian College curriculum is designed in such a way that business, health or medical students who ultimately graduate from it have Christian values and knowledge in them and therefore their approach to issues is also different.
Benedictine University is also considered one of the best institutions to offer Christian studies in its online campus. It offers Certificates, Masters and Doctorates degree in a Christian community while still allowing students to get advanced level degrees in the high growth industry. One unique thing about its graduates is the values and morals that have been instilled in them which are ideal in today’s working environment.