From the monthly archives

January 2010

Top 50 Ecumenical Blogs

by admin on January 31, 2010

The Christian church is prolific in America, but each church has its own belief systems, guidelines and perspectives. The ecumenical movement seeks to overcome these barriers among churches to unify congregations with cooperation and a better understanding among religions. In that vein, we offer fifty ecumenical blogs, or blogs that seek to overcome church barriers to offer outreach to anyone, no matter their beliefs or creeds.

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Top 50 Evangelical Christian Blogs

by admin on January 14, 2010

You might think that evangelical Christian blogs would be filled with doom and gloom. While some of those blogs do exist, most of the best blogs today — or, at least the most popular evangelical Christian blogs today — focus on teaching, humor, news from a Christian perspective and daily living. Those tops blogs are listed below in categories that range from education to ministries and from personal blogs to a couple blogs with off-beat perspectives.

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Some Open Courseware classes are older than you might think — many courses reach back into antiquity to show how Christianity has affected society throughout time and place (and how some social and cultural aspects affected religion as well). Some courses teach the Bible as spiritual text and as literature, some courses touch on social and political histories and other courses focus on cultural aspects of religion and society. Each course listed below falls into one of those three categories.

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